Sunday, June 27, 2010

Confessions of a fat kid: Goldilocks and the three bears

Written On: Tuesday, March 16, 2010

We all know the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. I believe its supposed to be a moral of not going where youre not invited or something like that. I for one have always thought that Goldilocks was a bit high maintenence. Too hot, Too cold, just right. Too hard, Too soft, just right. Always seemed like a bratty snob who seemed to get whatever she wanted. Hence just walking into someone else's house and helping herself to their food and beds. But maybe she just knew what she liked, what kind of food her stomach could handle and firmness of bed her body would allow her to sleep comfortably in. I never thought of myself as high maintenence. I take what is given to me, sometimes whether I like it that way or not. Ive found that this is not a good attitude when eating healthier and changing your eating habits. Last week I was out to breakfast and found myself ordering like Sally from the movie "when Harry met Sally". I wanted this without that and with only a little of this...on the side. I even apologized to the waitress for being high maintenence. But what I am discovering is I cant just take the menu "as is". Some of the things they put on top of food or on the side of a dish are just mounds of fat. Or what some of my kids refer to as "liquid diabetes". I want to be in control of what I am putting into my body. Which in turn of course now makes me...sigh...high maintenence. And I thought I had enough trouble finding a man already! haha. You've heard the expression "Your eyes are bigger than your stomach"? Well as a fat kid instead of adjusting your eyes to fit your stomach, you adjust your stomach to fit your eyes! When your stomach says "no thank you Ive had enough" you say "oh no you havent! there is still food on this plate and starving people in other countries would love to have this so you will find a spot in there and fill it with all this food. And dont back talk me again stomach!". But alas your stomach gets the last laugh as afterwards you can barely breathe let alone move. Portion Control. Have you ever watched those shows with the fancy restaurants and they bring out food and you is that even enough food? That is how I feel about serving sizes. 3oz of ground turkey? really thats all? or 2oz of pasta. thats like a cup. You want me to be full on a cup of pasta? That is ridiculous right? NO! My thinking is wrong. How much food does one person really need? A friend recently bought me a scale to weigh my food. I already know what you're thinking..we've lost Kelly to the dark side. But it has made me visually realize that serving sizes are there for a reason. Sure you COULD eat more but you really dont need to. At least start with the 2oz of pasta before taking 3 cups and over eating. Last night I made 2oz penne wheat pasta with 3oz ground turkey, 1/2 cup of diced tomatoes, 1/3 cups green peppers and a handfull of mushrooms. Plus 2/3 cups green beans. All serving sizes. And it was actually a lot of food. Didn't sound like it at the time. And while weighing everything out I thought to myself for a second that I must look silly. But it really has made me aware of the amount of food I am putting in my body. I have something to share that I have not blogged on yet. When I started this endevour I joined Weight Watchers. I know i know...why didnt I tell you. Old habits die hard I guess. In my head its just so cliche. The fat girl joining weight watchers. But you know what. I dont care how cliche it sounds. Its a great program that offers so much support and tools to help you. So yes, My name is Kelly and I am a member of Weight Watchers. Actually..thats kinda what the meetings feel like. They are a bit cheesy but its great to be in a room full of people who are all struggling with the same thing as you. One of the things I am learning in weight watchers is to write everything down that I eat. Have you ever seen the movie "How to lose a guy in 10 days"? The part where her friend tells Kate Hudson's character to call the guy and tell them everything you had to eat that day? I seriously find myself telling people what I have eaten. I need to stop doing that I realize. But somewhere inside of me I am proud that I passed on the huge piece of chocolate cake and had one piece of chocolate instead and it was enough. Oh man this is turning out to be a list of bad habits I am picking up. From high maintence to the girl who tells too much. Geez. Yes gentlemen I am single if you can believe it! haha. Seriously though, seeing what you are eating in a day helps you better control what youre eating and when. Also makes sure you eat enough. One of my biggest struggles lately is to eat enough food. I am not as hungry which is good but my body still needs that food for energy. So I hadn't worked out for 3 days. I have a million good excuses and they all include work. But at the end of the day thats all it excuse. So this morning I woke up and went for a walk up to the high school and back. I live right on Main St. as is the high school. But its all up hill. It was tough. I could feel my legs ache from the beginning and my breath get scarce. But the way back down was nice. I could still feel it in my legs but got a respitory break. I got quite a few..what is she doing...looks. Which..given what I am wearing I suppose I can understand. You see...i wear my black leggings to work out in. I know, they are not pants and should not be worn as pants but they are the closest thing I have to spandex and I like that they fit to my body allowing me to move better. And are also not falling down or dragging. So some of the looks I suppose are warrented. What I loved is that..I didnt care. Here I am on main st in my pants that show of all of my jiggle sweating from walking up a hill that an older lady was running (she passed me) and I dont care. I am out there for me and only me. They dont know me and so what if they do. Let them stare or even laugh. When Im running up that hill passed that old lady who will be laughing then. ( I think I am starting to hold grudges against old ladies) Was nice to see a familiar face drive past me and wave. Reminded me that in the midst of negativity I have people who love, care and are cheering me on. Things I learned today: Maybe I should invest in some real spadex pants. hmmm Even after a couple days without exersize your body can tell. I definately sway my hips a lot when I walk. Maybe that will help trim them down? one can hope!

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