Sunday, June 27, 2010

Confessions of a fat kid: Fragments that make a whole

Written On: Sunday, April 25, 2010

This week I've been thinking a lot about life. The different times in life. "Seasons" as some people call it. How each part of your life is blinded to the next. Having no clue where it fits in or if its made a difference. So many things in life make no sense at the time and then comes another fragment of your life that will make the last one crystal clear with understanding. If only you had known that next part you would have re-acted differently. You would have slowed down and been graceful in that situation. Instead of weeping for hours sobbing "Why me, Why me!" into your pillow. My Dad always says to me "Kelly, you didnt gain this weight overnight so dont expect to lose it overnight either." Doesnt it feel like you gained the weight over night though? Didnt you wake up one day and think, I swear I could see my toes yesterday. The fragment of life where you ate the whole box of oreos had no idea that a future fragment would have you 200 lbs over weight. If you knew what was lieing ahead the 4 cookie limit would have sounded pretty good. I love the show the biggest loser. Its encouraging and entertaining. But the one part that I hate is the weigh ins. Well not the actual weigh ins but the part where people feel as if they failed losing only 1,2 or even 5,6 lbs in one week. Yes I know its a game but that is weight loss and no matter how little it is one step closer to your goal. Plus those little fragments of your life I was talking about, add up. And what seems like not enough now at 4 lbs is gonna be huge later when all together you've lost 50 lbs. And without that 4 lbs your total would only be 46. Each part of your life is important and essiential to the rest of it. All the good and bad days have a reason, a purpose. Without one thing, your life wouldnt add up to what it is. Every pound counts. Do not be discouraged by one pound but be joyful as it is one pound less you have to lose. This weekend I went to visit my "sista from anotha mista" Jessica in NY at the School for Officers Training. There they have a great gym facility. So Saturday morning thats where we were. Jessica sets me up with some fat burning thing on the treadmill. I dont usually do a program so I thought I would give it a try. Oh my goodness! Here I am thinking I am so fit now I can dominate a treadmill. Ya..ok. Clearly not. I nearly fell off when it changed speeds. Then I was jogging on an incline of 5% @ 3.7, which I realize most people walk at that speed. I have two words to say to that, Chunky Thighs! Anyways, I got the hang of the speed change and jogged, walked, jogged, walked, repeat for 20 minutes. I was sweating like crazy calling death threaths to the machine and Jessica for making me do such an awful thing. She ran next to me assuring me I'd feel better afterwards. What I felt was my body colapse on the ground comatose. However, I do feel good. My legs hurt but its nice to be reminded they can do more than just hold me upright. My physical activity is a process. I yearn for the day I will run a marathon or bike a triatholon. But those fragments will piece together when the time is right. Then I'll look back and see where I came from and know that each point had a purpose. One of my favorite quotes is "I know not what the future holds, but I know who holds the future." I give all my fragments to the only one who can arrange them perfectly, my amazing, powerful God. Things I've learned this week: -Buffets are just horrible. Nothing good can come from them. -When your car sounds rough, sweet talk it calmly, it does wonders. -Those big round stability balls are killer for crunches. Soon my stomach shall be a washboard.

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